I write about my ideas about money and freedom and how they are both one and the same.
Published on September 11, 2004 By FreeMark In Current Events
The opponents of George W. Bush will tell you that the biggest problem with George W. Bush is that he is and continues to be George W. Bush.

These same people had the same problem with Reagan until recently, when he up and stopped being Reagan.

My question is what are they so afraid of? If he is really as awful as you say then he will destroy the Republican Party over the next four years. People will come to their senses and never vote Republican again. He will be Herbert Hoover the sequel. That is assuming that someone as awful as you say could even get elected again.

It’s ok if you don’t have a real answer to that I know what your fear is. And don’t try to pretend for a second you are not afraid. It is as obvious as your inability to have civil discourse about the man.

You know that GWB is not the next Herbert Hoover but you are afraid that Bill Clinton was. You are afraid that what is happening signals a long period where people with your opinions will be minority powers in this country. I believe you are right.

You probably think that Clinton brought the Republicans to the same level of apoplexy as you now experience. To some extent you are right. But there was something about Clinton that the Republicans saw that I don’t think you are seeing with GWB. They saw an opportunity. They used Clinton to highlight what is wrong and failing with the Democratic Party. With that they energized and expanded their base and managed to win the Congress and get it close enough so they could “steal” the Presidency

They are going to reinvent this country in their own image and that scares the hell out of you. I understand completely. Change is frightening but it is also inevitable. It is never as bad as you fear it is going to be and it is never as good as you hoped it would be.

I think the smart move here is stop all the rhetoric, stop all the fear, and start trying to work with those you currently hate. I think our system is a wonderful self balancing machine. It will probably never hit the target perfectly but it revolves around it closer and closer. Opinions shift one way, opinions shift the other, cooperation makes moderation makes a middle ground we can all live with.

We have had forty years of the Left very much in power. We may just have forty years of the Right very much in power. I know that makes a lot of you angry and that is the problem. Your anger makes you unbalanced, vulnerable, and desperate. Your anger makes you weak.

Your anger is not going to win you anything only your resolve is going to make a difference.

on Sep 11, 2004

They are going to reinvent this country in their own image and that scares the hell out of you.

no it pisses me off.  youre correct in using the third person plural btw because it isnt just bush.  its cheney, rumsfeld, abrams, wolfowitz, perle to name a few.  and its not like this is the first time around for this nonsense.  id welcome a goldwater conservative like mccain who doesnt owe any fealty to the theocrats of the religious right. and who wouldnt open the door to an inner circle of larouche wannabes whove spent much of the past 30 years trying to reconcile reality with their crackpot global imperial obsessive theories.

on Sep 11, 2004

We have had forty years of the Left very much in power

that statement alone is enough to totally undermine your entire argument.  what left?  there hasnt been a progressive president since lbj.  what's equally sad is there hasnt been anything approaching a true conservative president  for even longer.  since when did conservatives advocate three concurrent specious constitutional amendments in the same year?  since when did conservatives wipe out a sizeable budget surplus much less go on giddy deficit spending binges?  when did any real conservative act on behalf of wanna-be theocrats?  when did conservatives stop conserving our resources? 

on Sep 11, 2004
How does that undermine my whole argument...because I was wrong, in your opinion, on one point? I think you are confusing what they believe and espouse with what they manage to accomplish and what they compromise on to be still favored with the electorate. I am sure on some level the plurality of conservatives want to eliminate all social programs...but I don't think that is something they are going to accomplish.

I'm sorry, it was forty years of trending Left and it just might be forty years of trending Right. It isn't going to be overnight like a lot of people fear and before it goes to far it will likely shift back the other way.

My argument is that the real reason that the LEFT (whatever you want to believe this means) is up in arms is because they are afraid the balance of power is shifting RIGHT (whatever you want to believe that means).

If you think that if McCain was President the Larouche wannabes would just disappear. Don't you think they still object to the fact that he is RIGHT of their definition of LEFT? These are the same people, and those like them, who make it impossible for the Democrats to nominate Lieberman...do you think they would be happy with McCain?