I write about my ideas about money and freedom and how they are both one and the same.
Published on August 26, 2004 By FreeMark In Misc
If money is not important to you then ask yourself this:

Are the things I have bought and done with money important to me?

If you say no and really mean it then you can truthfully say that money has no meaning. If you could care less what food you eat, what clothes you wear, what kind of car you drive, what kind of job you do, where you live and how you live there then you are free of money.

But in my mind if you ever bought a Coke instead of drinking tap water then you have made a money decision. At that moment paying extra for the sweet carbonation of a Coke was more important than drinking bland water.

What I am saying is that money is important to everyone.

It could be that it is only important to us to certain degrees. Maybe money is more important to me than it is to you.

But let’s examine that. I can buy the same things you can with money. It will cost me about the same give or take a sale, discount, and taxes. So if ever there is something that we both want then the importance of money becomes exactly equal.

You could argue that you do not have as many wants or needs as me. It could be that you have no desire to have anything. That’s a rare disease and not one I would want everyone to have. The desire to have more is a positive thing in my mind it makes us strive to achieve.

When someone says that money is not important to them what they are really saying is that they want to ignore how important it is. If money were truly unimportant to a person then wouldn’t they be saving and investing almost all of their money? Wouldn’t they be leaving in the cheapest place, eating the blandest food, never doing anything fun?

What they are really saying is that they want to be able to waste their money without consequence. They want to be able to buy what they want, spend what they want, and do what they want without regards to money. Money only becomes important to them when they realize that they cannot do these things for long without it.

If we continue to excuse ourselves from doing the right things with money by pretending we don’t have any regard for it we are only hurting ourselves. If we, instead, learn to do the right things with our money, and stick to them, we will all be better off. That is going to take some sacrifice which is what most of us are really not interested in.

on Aug 27, 2004
Yes...unfortunately money is important...or what it symbolizes, as the actual substance...the note...the coin is pretty worthless....
I hold value for money because I need to ensure my son, partner and self have food, shelter, clothes, education, medicine (if the unfortunate situation occurs that it is needed), electricity, hot water......the list could go on for quite a while but I'm sure you get the idea......and without money......in todays society.... without charitable aid.....we would die. Or perhaps we would steal to survive....

If we, instead, learn to do the right things with our money, and stick to them, we will all be better off. That is going to take some sacrifice which is what most of us are really not interested in.

What do you see as the right thing to do with money?
on Aug 27, 2004
I have read enough of your stuff to realize that you are and I are from two different planets on this issue so I believe you are asking me this in order to justify a feeling you already have. Still, I will bite.

The right thing to do with your money is to protect your own situation for you and your family for now and the future. Much like being on an airplane with cabin pressure problems you need to put the mask on your face first and then you can help others around you.

Thus the right thing in my mind is to buy enough insurance, life, disablity, health, possibly long term care to protect your situation. The right thing to do with your money is to save for your retirement. The right thing to do with your money is have enough in reserve to get by without charitable aid or dying. I think it behooves a person to build their finances to the point where they have no fear for themselves or their family.

I also believe that a person should give a portion of their money to charity. I believe this is not only positive for the charity but for the person doing it. Not only do they get to feel positive about themself they also benefit society or the world at large even in some small amount.

However, I believe with charity you always have the problem of how the money is used. Sometimes people need charity, sometimes they just want it, and sometimes no amount of charity is really going to help them. I don't believe in giving charity to those who only desire is to get more charity. The only way you can help someone like that is to stop giving them charity and hope they learn to strive again before they die.

I notice you only mention what many people consider needs (although education isn't a need...its really a want). Do you not have any fun in your life? Is there nothing you need money for just to enjoy yourself? Does it make you feel guilty spending your money on yourself when you know there are starving people all around the world?

I ask because I do not understand.