I write about my ideas about money and freedom and how they are both one and the same.
Really? Who pays your rent?
Published on August 25, 2004 By FreeMark In Misc
Does anybody really feel that money is not important? I find that people who say that either have plenty or they have none at all or they want some of mine.

Money is not the root of all evil...the mindless pursuit of money against your ethics is.

Earning money does not make one greedy...wanting money you did not earn makes you greedy.

I think if people spent more time making the right decisions about money they would find that the almost everything works out better. Being smart and sensible about money is , in my opinion,one of the foundations for a better life.

on Aug 25, 2004
'Money is a tool'......money itself is not valuable but what it symbolizes.....the piece of plasticky paper
you hand over the counter is ...worthless....except that we have given it meaning....given it value.
People have different values as much as a $5 notes value is different to a $100 note. I, for example, don't put money
high on my list of values except for the reason of survival (my partner is quite the opposite!!)....I need money for food....shelter....clothing.....medical .....etcetera etcetera...but my son is right up there and not even all the money
in the world would bump him off the top of my list!

Question: (Hypothetical) If we, as a human race, all decided that we didn't like the current monetary system and wanted to change it to something else....what alternative could you envision?
on Aug 26, 2004
I considered writing this post, to try and be humorous, from the point of view of someone who wanted to eliminate the monetary system and was kind of stymied by the inability to do so. I decided instead to be straight forward.

The only alternative that I see to have a monetary system is a system where everyone gets everything they want at no cost to anybody else. This experiment has been tried, and is still being tried, and has not had much success. If you eliminated the monetary system right now we would replace it with an equivalent.

As you said, physical money means nothing but its logical meaning, the meaning we have all assigned to it, is effort. You are paid money for your work and with that you can buy the fruits of someone else’s work. It is a simple rate of exchange from one effort to another.

But my belief is that something deeper is involved. I believe that money provides you with freedom. The more you have, the freer you are. Put another way money provides the ability to make more choices. Wealth means the ability to make any choice you want, any way that you want. Poverty to me is the inability to make a choice.

I agree with you that money is not the most important thing but I don’t agree with anyone who says it is not important at all. Your son should be more important than having a lot of money but you still have to do the right thing in regards to money. You need life insurance so that your child is taken care if you die. You need disability insurance in case you can no longer work to provide for your child. You need to save for your retirement so that your child is not burdened with your poverty in the future. You need a will so that your wishes for your child are taken care of. These are things about money that everyone should understand but far too few do.

I think it is imperative for everyone to understand money and how it works. People like yourself need to take this knowledge and give it to their children so that they know these things. They are not going to learn it anywhere else.

As long as we pretend that money is not important to us we are going to continue to do the wrong things with it.