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Money Equals Freedom
I write about my ideas about money and freedom and how they are both one and the same.
The disease of a word
Published on September 4, 2004 By
com·pro·mise ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kmpr-mz)
1. a. A settlement of differences in which each side makes concessions.
b. The result of such a settlement.
2. Something that combines qualities or elements of different things: The incongruous design is a compromise between high tech and early American.
3. A concession to something detrimental or pejorative: a compromise of morality
I would like to know how that last definition even came in to being since it completely changes the meaning of the first. It is a taint on the word. Its disease.
Because of this disease we, as a society, have rejected all but the last meaning. To accept compromise is to be seen as weak, as not standing up for one's values because you make a concession. It's my way or the highway baby! Ok, I will take the highway. Everyone should take the highway.
To reach a conclusion to any transaction where one side concedes nothing and the other everything is the definition of injustice.
I do not believe anything great has been accomplished by a man without compromise. I believe a lot of horrible things have.
I may not get all I want, you may not get all you want but together we will get something we both need.
People working together can accomplish anything but there is always compromise.
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The disease of a word
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The Crusaders
on Sep 04, 2004
I do not believe anything great has been accomplished by a man without compromise. I believe a lot of horrible things have.
We simply can't have a world without compromise.......look at how many billion of us inhabit the Earth.......do we all think the same....do we all have the same opinions and needs and wants. I think not. We are all unique and have different values....hence....the need for compromise.
Without compromise we take freedom from all of us.....In compromising we accept our shared existance on this planet.
We all count. We all matter. We all need to compromise in order for the human race to flourish.
Unfortunately there are those in our society who do not understand the neccessity of compromise and corrupt our world with selfich acts of greed and intolerance.
When I ask you to compromise for me I do so with the knowledge that I will do the same for you.
Sorry, FreeMark, I'm a little over the place this morning....lacking sleep and rest......but I will come back later and comment a little further as it is an intriguing post..!!
on Sep 04, 2004
I think the 3rd definition is not quite what you think it is. Instead of being along the same lines as "The 2 sides each compromised and gave in a little.", it's more along the lines of "Gay marriage compromises basic family values." or "Taking away freedom of speech compromises the Bill of Rights." It means that it's been breached or diseased in some way.
(Disclaimer: I am not necessarily for or against either above statement. I am simply using them as examples.)
Jay Walker
on Sep 05, 2004
Typically, professional facilitators look at compromise as the lowest form of agreement that can be reached. That's not to say it's not useful, but - in the past - it has been too often used as the first place where people try to reach agreement. That's why it's gotten it's dirty name from - overuse. (Familiarity breeds contempt and all that)
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