I write about my ideas about money and freedom and how they are both one and the same.
Nope...Sorry...you have to risk something to make it
Published on September 2, 2004 By FreeMark In Politics
People who say you can make money without risk have been around for a long, long time. They have always had an audience too. There are always people who are willing to believe you can get something for nothing. There is one born every minute and W.C. Fields believed you shouldn't give them an even break.

People are swindled every day by people offering greater returns with low to almost no risk. It is actually illegal to say, in the US, that an investment carries no risk.

The rule is: less risk = less reward, more risk = more reward

The sooner you understand that and believe it the better.

on Sep 02, 2004
darn, free...I was hoping you were one of those swindlers...lol...to whom I was going to issue my standard challenge of the following:

"If it's truly risk free then you won't have a problem fronting me, say $5000 to get started?"

Not surprisingly, I've had zero takers so far. But if they can find suckers, maybe I can, too...I'll just keep trying...lol

Nice piece.
on Sep 02, 2004
Absolutely if it was risk free why would you waste your time selling it...just invest in it.

My favorite one was a comic strip (don't remember which one) that had the character reading an ad in the newspaper that said "Make money risk free - send me $50.00 and I will tell you how." The last panel shows the guy getting a letter that says "Put an add in the newspaper saying "Make money risk free - send me $50.00 and I will tell you how".

No matter what I say or what I do people will continue to believe in magic.